When you're in the store trying to decide what color to use, trying to decide how much processing time you have, what color you're trying to achieve, I recommend opening the boxes and...
When you are working on your horse especially if you are working on them for the first time you want to go very slowly and quietly. I find that almost all horses really, really, really enjoy the work...



In this clip, I speak about how to use the proper hair color for different hair textures. Now different hair textures I mean by hair that's been relaxed, and it's a different kind of...
Again, working from the background toward the foreground and with the idea in mind of putting down the middle values. Those colors halfway between white and black, the middle values. I'm going...
Okay. Again I'd like to work from the background toward the foreground. And one of the things that is most in the background is that vase in which the flowers exist. And the primary color that...
So, let's refine the shapes of these things. I'm going to start working with some darker colors. This is an indigo and this is a dark gray. Actually, the squares the square kind of...
Now another thing I'm seeing as I look at that is this is still feeling, although it's got a good texture, it's still feeling flat. And as I look at the real object, I can see...



And wherever we have a shadow, we almost always have to have a highlight in order to make that shadow believable. There's a highlight I see, there's a highlight I see, there's...

