In this segment we are going to cover my opponent has put me in the back corner and I have to get to the front forehand corner so I have to get to that corner, hit the shot, come back to the tee and...



Another really great hint that I'm going to give you and something you always want to keep in mind is try to avoid using black at all costs. In fact, I don't even own any black paint....
This is Kyle with Expert Village. I am going to show you some tips on colorization in photoshop. Okay now let’s mess with some colors, okay, image adjust, let’s go to color group, selected color is...
So now if you have a lidded piece, it's really important that you don't have glaze in between the lid and the piece itself, or it'll fuse and you'll never be able to...
The side arm serve to continue on this topic is, we are going to open the face, I want you to open the face, so we're not here, it's not an overhead serve and it's not a lob,...
hola! volvemos a encontrarnos aquí en esta cocina taller y la propuesta que os voy a mostrar hoy es muy sencilla. Es para niños de Educación Infantil y de Educación Especial y la vamos a hacer...



Hola a todos! Hoy les mostraré como crear un diseño de uñas fácil usando ésta decoración de uñas de metal Obtuve éstos en, ellos ofrecen envío gratis! Este producto viene con 50...
Comienza aplicando capa base Pinta tus uñas de color amarillo pastel Prepara un esmalte de color piel para el siguiente paso Pinta la mitad de la uña en color piel y déjalo secar Con pintura acrílica...
[Música] Los colores que usamos en pintura se llaman colores pigmento. Los colores pigmento tienen tres colores primarios: Son el amarillo cadmio, el azul cián, y el rojo magenta. Estos colores no...

