Ho gettato il cuore un coriandolo nel vento della vita che va per vederlo volare e i confini passare attraverso le ombre e la luce che c'è per soffermarsi poi su di te Com'è difficile pensare che...
Hello, I'm Bobby Summers and welcome to Let's Play Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge now this game has an easy mode which kinda skips some of the puzzles eliminates some of...
I hope everybody had a good weekend I don't wanna waste anytime before i address the controversial and viral Russell Brand video that has been sent to me by twenty or thirty people many of...
-The 5th generation was [unk] show. Can I say [unk] show? I have to look at my notes. That's how much of a [unk] show was. 3DO in '93, Atari Jaguar in '93, then finally the...
-The seventh generation rolls along and Microsoft holds a sneak attack on everyone and released the Xbox 360 a year earlier than the PlayStation 3. -I'm here to start you on a journey into the...
Welcome to the Part-Time Tuition Assistance Program Presentation What is Part-Time TAP: An Overview of the New York State Tuition Assistance Program for students with disabilities at Empire State...
[music] by Conway Hambone - Honey Dealer >> ROBERT: Hi, I'm Robert, Teamleader of the Part-Time Scientists. Today we are going to do something special. We are trying to answer...



flash the titans is a remake of the nineteen eighty one collection the titans this is in three d everything's in three days rember within three days which i didn't think was necessary...
cornel west was on the pad a smiley radio show and you want to talk about the way that we cover of the shootings based on the the pit the races of the victims actually uh... so we we enforce i...