(music) Gold medal, gold, I will get a gold medal not if I get a gold medal but I will get a gold medal (music) I fell pregnant very easily, had a beautiful pregnancy, um and at 36 weeks, all hell...
01 - Arc de Triomphe by TravelPod member philsed 02 - Foggy View by TravelPod member philsed 03 - Champs Elysées from above by TravelPod member philsed 04 - Louvre by TravelPod member philsed 05 -...
Hey guys, it's Sarah and today I'm reviewing Cabotine by Parfums Grès Cabotine is a classic scent It's been around since the 90's and it's surely here to stay...
Le Petit Palais- une jeune fille comme femme by TravelPod member oracle26 French Flag on Petit Palais - Paris by TravelPod member globetrekker Classc Decor on Petit Palais by TravelPod member...
So next thing we're going to do is apply a really nice peachy tone of blush to give her just a little bit of a beachy glow. So I'm going to use my contoured blush brush. It has a...
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1038\cocoasubrtf360 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} \margl1440\margr1440\vieww9000\viewh8400\viewkind0...
Visibility, 1 1/2 miles. Light ground fog. Depth of fog, approximately 500. Ceiling unlimited. Thank you. Louis, have your man go with mr. Laszlo. Take care of his luggage. Anything you say. Put mr....
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Originally constructed as a fortress in the 12th century, the Louvre has dominated central Paris ever since. After centuries as a royal palace and through many expansions and renovations, the vast and...