Hey Everybody, I'm Lori Petro and you are watching another episode of our weekly Q&A where I show you how to create TEACHable Moments with your kids. Today's question comes...
My name is Liran and I'm from Chernigov Today we are enjoying an adventurous hike through the mountains We had a chance to try some extreme sports - zip-lining Thank you everything is amazing!...



Hi everyone, I'm Melissa. Welcome back to CloudMom. Quick video today. I wanted to talk about a recent study that came out that I thought was so interesting, about how chronic pain affects...
Working with Bristol's CANparent organizations has provided an exciting opportunity to explore new and different ways of delivering parenting and family support programs tailored to the needs...



Title : - Sex on Top or Bottom = Boy or Girl? (Host Emily Frances, HowtoMomTV.com) HELLO EVERYONE, THIS IS EMILY FRANCES. WELCOME TO HOW TO MOM TV.     AND TODAY WE ARE TALKING ABOUT SEX AND THE...
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Do you ever notice your spouse disciplining your child and thinking to yourself hmm that's not gonna go very well. It isn't abusive, it isn't neglectful, but you think...
Do you use timeouts? Parents in my class often comment "hey I'm using a timeout and it doesn't work" or "it doesn't work very well". Well,...



Do you ask your child to apologize when they've done something wrong? When they've hit their sibling or they've hit you? I can understand why you do that. You want to teach...
Hi my name is Janada Clark. I'm a mom of two grown sons, I have a delightful granddaughter, and I'm also a parent educator and parent coach. I've been working with parents for...