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I know this smell. The smell of piss and rust... and I’m standing in it. If I was Rose, I wouldn’t come for me. - Where’d they find you? Nice to know there’s still others, I guess. - What is this...
Giant panda cub, Yuan Zai, is now walking on her own She may not be steady yet but every time the keepers put her back in the den, she crawls right out Yuan Zai is very curious about any surrounding...
hollow m_g_ welcomes this sunday's stories this is a super panda cupcake barely found and dot so i was just so beautiful so charming that show everybody on the air i saw him up interest we...
Doing it right, everybody will be dancing and will feeling it right Everybody will be dancing and be doing it right Everybody will be dancing and you're feeling all right Everybody will be...
It's very challenging, people get really threatened by the notion that they have a privilege. Because, I think, again it makes them feel guilty and they want to feel good, they want to feel...
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I Chew I munch and eat and crunch Never asking why i bit into you sweet bamboo like a happy meal don't you ever say Im not hungary I will always want food I can't live a life without...
Hello YouTube, Neova here today I'm going to show you how to view tags on YouTube after the update. After the update, which disabled the ability to view other peoples tags As you can see, I...
Sometimes, even animals need the love of a higher power. And in Mexico City, these beloved pets having been attending a blessing ceremony to mark the feast day of Saint Anthony, known as the protector...