The exports of oil and gas from Libya... ...for the European market are not inconsiderable. But they are also not so large. Libyan gas towards the EU... less than 3% of the total gas market. Oil from...
Sorry, Pan Am. You had too much to drink. ABC cutting you off. ABC recently announced that production on Pan Am, starring Christina Ricci, gonna be halted after 14th episode. Hey, two or three Pan Am...



>> George Langford: Board of Visitors for the College of Arts and Sciences. We have just completed our meeting we have very good representation from our board. Members of the Forensic...
We started with our production meetings, where all the designers - The scenic designers, and the lighting, and costumers ... (And, I don't want to leave anybody out, but I probably will) We...
earlier this month i was invited to a party at the persian terrace at the hotel syracuse naked body shops cast members families children in our belts played special rules on the program it was...
WALLACE: Joining us now are two leading members of the Senate Armed Services Committee. From his home state of South Carolina, Republican Lindsey Graham, and here in the studio, Democrat Jack Reed....
im hae walmart from industrial collapse what you've just seen as an exciting new way to show home movies and tv it's called video transfer and here's how it works simply bring...
Reporter: Does Libya accept responsibility for the attack on Lockerbie? Saif al Islam: Yes, we (wrote) a letter to council, saying that we are responsible for the acts of our employs - people. Saif al...
ABC's Pan Am premieres Sunday, September 25th at 10PM following Desperate Housewives. Pan Am is ANOTHER series on board the "60s nostalgia" trend. We've already got...
[ Silence ] [ Applause ] >> Thank you, Sandra. Okay. Before I start we'll, we'll check into the, what will we call it? Integrity of the group? How many noticed the...

