29 km/h 08-Aug-2013 09:02:17 1092 m lat: 43.91743 lon: 18.73410 31 km/h 08-Aug-2013 09:02:18 1091 m lat: 43.91747 lon: 18.73419 32 km/h 08-Aug-2013 09:02:19 1090 m lat: 43.91751 lon: 18.73428 34 km/h...
Green: its the color of life. As seasons cycle on Earth, it is the greenness of the planet that is the most notable change. Both on the ground and in space we seen vegetation bloom, flourish, and...
Hello. My name is Gabriela Garzon at G.G. Image and Etiquette Consulting in Miami, Florida. In this clip, I'm going to talk about how to wear colors to flatter your skin tone. So basically you...
My name is Christine Marquette, and I'm a registered and licensed dietitian, with the Austin Regional Clinic, and I've been asked, What is a healthy stool? A healthy, normal stool...
We were hunters and foragers The frontier was everywhere We were bounded only by the Earth, and the ocean, and the sky The open road still softly calls Our little terraqueous globe is the madhouse of...



Narrator: 我们是猎人和收集人。 到处有边疆。 界限只是土、海、天。 这几天我们想做什么就做什么, 边疆没有问题。 社会指导我们, 给我们允许在马路开车,在红灯停,在绿灯去, 但是有什么错的。 常常觉得没有什么。可能社会允许的生活不满足。 我们花很多时间在将来, 忘了现在生活,有很深的感觉、满意对我们的生活。 这就是为什么我们开设了在城市看人,企图理解什么指导他们。 通常,他们做了...
hola, ¿que hacen? nada, nada, nada eh... bueno hoy tengo un acto y... tengo que ir a comprar ropa. ¿vamos Julian? tengo miedo de lo que dijo la bruja ¿que cosa? de lo que iva a matar a nuestro...



[Music Playing] Hey, this is Dave. I'm going to drink some beer now. I have a couple of beers I picked up from the great state of Indiana. I have this Upland Brewing Company Pale Ale....
This is the 3rd time Christian Firtal hosts Pale Ale Festival It is a tradition that started in 2011 At our 10 year anniversary And it was a succes So now we're continuing It has grown from...

