Daddy Owen: The more I read the more I learn. Hello, I didn’t hear you come in, but of course there never is a locked door, in the reading nook. Would you like to hear a story? Ok then, how about we...
Here we are today with Chris Carter from the Bicycle Sports Shop. Chris tell us about bike trailers. Chris: Sure, this bike trailer is designed by Trek - this design has cushy seats, it also has a...
Sara Hickman: You want to hear my cheer? It’s a beer cheer. Daddy Clay: Sure let’s hear it. Sara Hickman: B-E-E-R sitting with you at the bar! Wooo! Daddy Clay: So your parents were kind of arty and...
Daddy Owen: Pappa is going to make some money. Well hello, it’s good to see you again here in the reading nook. Would you like to hear a story? Of course you would, why else would you be here. 