My name is Christine Marquette, and I'm a registered dietitian with the Austin Regional Clinic. And I'm going to talk to you about the four types of vegetarians. Now what's...
So what you're saying is I'll never be able to eat eggs again. [music] So this week's WTF is pretty much, like, the best thing ever. Umm, using this bunny, or using this bear,...
It's a question that has perplexed humanity from as early as the anceint greeks all the way to the twenty first century, and we're still dying to know, which came first? The chicken,...
Hello guys! Today I will discover if the egg is raw or cooked without broke the egg. ABC do Saber present: The egg is raw or cooked? If someone speaks that your idea is stupid, maybe this person is...
Just know I see that I love you When the rains have started Every step further is harder My legs are tired I am a sail in the storm Around me are waves And who will calm this weather down When...



Heeeey, Ljubica, Ljubica, Eeeeej, Љубице, Љубице, you’re making my mouth water правиш ми Љубице зазубице Heeeey, squeeze me, kiss me Хееееј, стисни ме, кисни ме, Ljubica, press me against your bosom...

