I moved to Australia when I was eight years old. I came from Macedonia, and that's when soccer really took over because it was something new to do, and over here, they take it a bit more...
WEST: Okay. Welcome, folks. My nameís West. And Iím here at the Aussie Rob Lifestyle Summit with my good friend, Noah St. John. Welcome, Noah. NOAH: Thanks, West. Great to meet you. WEST: Youíve...
Hello, this is Ron Paul with your update for Monday, January 3rd. The year 2011 brings in a host of opportunities and challenges to America. Will we accelerate toward economic insolvency by continuing...
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En-route to Medellin by TravelPod member jenandtony Coffee (we think!) and bananas by TravelPod member jenandtony Envigado parque by TravelPod member jenandtony Envigado parque by TravelPod member...
"When I stretch my body." "l can hear sighs coming from the road." "My gait.. creates a uproar." "Everyone looks charmed by me."...
This illness you have ofthe heart l don't seem to understand at aII You abandon everything that's near and dear And what remains distant you seem to call My heart is listless! Without...
The game is about to begin ''Eyes'' ''are the strangest players at the game... '' ''an exciting game......
"You're my queen and l'm your king." "Come in my arms." "Just say yes and I'll marry you." "Let's be one...
Teleferico quito by TravelPod member giegi 15-Cuenca-Central Bank Museum festival masks by TravelPod member alanhalsall Plaza San Blas by TravelPod member nybridge Cerro Santa Ana by TravelPod member...