The amazing recovery of Zvika Lavid from stroke by a Reiki treatment by Eyal Cohen. When it comes to holistic treatments, most people have a built in tendency to react with contempt and negation. Due... 954-400-1500 Miami Chiropractor Unlike conventional medicine, which focuses on attempting to treat disease once it occurs, Miami Chiropractic Clinic emphasizes improving...



Well, it's not even one challenge, there are many challenges. A student like me, coming from a non-speaking English background. And with very limited academic history. There are a lot of...



food is what we ingest while nutrition consists of the nutritional values that reach the cells of our body this is why obese people despite the large amounts of food they eat are often undernourished...
Narrator: Throughout history, humankind has yearned to stay young and live forever. Every civilization has sought ways to improve health and longevity, each seeking a way to slow down time and aging...
Live in the Now Reliv Now with LunaRich Brett I love to live an active lifestyle. Gena Plants need nutrition and so do people. And I see that they do a lot better. Dave Oh, when you’re in that...



We're happy to offer you a free medical consultation before your visit at Sanoviv. It'll be a consultation on the telephone with one of our treating physicians, an MD who sees guests...
Time for the Shoutout. Which of these has the most influence over your sleep cycle? If you think you know it, shout it out! Is it your respiratory system, circadian rhythm, sebaceous glands or...
LISA: What do you take in the morning? This is...perfect. DAVID: So I will put these, sometimes I will take um, like this morning I got some fresh, organic local, apple juice and I mixed all this...