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Hi, I'm Laura from, and I'm going to talk about how to write a campaign speech. A campaign speech has to really get someone's attention. Believe it or...
Hi, I'm Laura from YoungWritersWorkshops. com and I'm going to talk about how to write a grant, a budget for a grant proposal. A good grant proposal will go into detail about the money...



Hi, this is Laura Turner. And today we're going to talk about where to find grant writing services. It's pretty daunting to sometimes to have to write a grant all by yourself....



All right, the last thing that you have to do to have a really strong sales message, sales letter, presentation, support your claims. And what I mean by that is, how can you prove that everything you...



Do these sound familiar? • You’re wondering how to prepare for a grant proposal, or • There’s a mad dash to meet grant deadlines, or • You always have to search for proposal data, or • Your proposals...
Convincing kids to sit down and practice their writing can be difficult but it's not that surprising when you look at the common activities and resources used by teachers. These include tasks...



If you are puzzled with your academic task, there is only one way out -! is your lifeline in a whirl of academic assignments! Stop addle your head! You...
Hi, I'm Kari Wethington for Today we are doing Writer's Guide: Self Editing Basics. Another important self editing tool is to check your sentence structure. You...
Hello, I'm Dr. Asao Inoue, Associate Professor of Rhetoric and Composition here at Fresno State and I would like to take a moment to introduce you to SPOT. SPOT stands for Self-Paced Online...