Hi my name is Melody Mann and on behalf of Expert Village today we are going to make a treat that starts with just a tortilla, a little bit of sugar, and little bit of cinnamon and we deep fry it and...
The game is on and suddenly your house is full of hungry people with attitude. [cheering in background] I guess that was a good play. It's best to have your own game plan in place for these...
The Avantco Grid-16 is perfect for snack counters, pools, bars and small restaurants. Only 16 inches wide, this unit will give you high output from a 15.5 by 16 inch grilling surface. The three inch...
Our smash burger recipe takes all of three minutes. It's one of the best burgers we've ever had. And you can cook it with us step by step right now on Appetites®. One pound of beef, 4...
Now we're going to demonstrate a frying technique and I've got some shrimp here that have been breaded in a 3 part breading station and I've got a counter top fryer which is...
Hi Kicesie, my name is Paul. In your recent video you mention that 20 % of guys thought a woman couldn't get pregnant if she was standing up reminds me of two sayings. First, people are...
Hi, this is David for Expert Village. Today we are going to make smothered chicken with maque choux casserole. There is a couple of types of corn that we are going to use for this recipe. One is a...
MIKEY: They say nothing good happens after 2:00 A.M. I beg to differ. I'm Mikey Roe. A night owl by nature, I've spent years seeking out the most extreme... Look what I have created!...