For the past few years Ricky Gervais, Stephen Merchant, and Karl Pilkington Have been meeting regularly For a series of pointless conversations. This is one of them. - Testing. - Is that all right?...
>> Hi, and welcome back to our kitchen! I'm Giuliana and he is Daniele and today we will cook two basic mexican recipes Guacamole and pico de gallo which are really easy to make...
Hello friends! New week, new dish. Here he is again - the curry sausage guy live from the Tastemade Studios in LA. By my side like every week Rudi the little pug. And today is a special day, because...
-Wow, look at that sky. It is beautiful. Hey, check it out, Orange. There's Cassiopeia. -Hey, hey onion. -What? No, it's... -Look Pear, It's Onion. Hey, hey onion hey. -Dude, that's not an onion....