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Hi, mom. Yes, I met teacher Tai. I got the new room already. It's in the same dorm. I'm moving because there are often problems with my roommate, Jane. Yeah, lots of problems. But...
Tamam, temel adıma geçtikten sonra... Başlangıçtaki doğal pozisyonumuza dönüyoruz... Ayaklar omuz hizasında ve düz duruş... İlk sayacağımız 1. adım, sol ayak ile olacak... Birinci adımı ileri...
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I am Lorena I belong to the Zeitgest movement almost from the begining I started here in Valencia with them And now I am in charge of the cordination team and work as an international connection for...



On behalf of, my name is Susan and this is Alex. This is Salsa Mia at Yuka Lounge on South Beach in Miami, Florida. We’re here today to teach you mambo. Alright, so now what we’re...
the same week maynard jackson began in there but i think i wouldn't that be advised that may have been chillin i would call me on he said this in detroit for twenty years when lessons in...



Sport is a business. So the program prepares students for working behind the scenes in sport. We're all familiar with going to an NHL game, or seeing a marathon being run, or seeing a...
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