Anyway, we both lost our dad's um, Jenny and I lost our dad's within a year of each other about 13 or fourteen years ago. And um, it was quite some time later that um that both our...
Old Macdonald Had a Farm, eee aiii eee aiii oh. And on that farm he had some cows, eee aiii eee aiii oh. With a moo, moo here and a moo, moo there. Here a moo, there a moo, everywhere a moo, moo. Old...
[Best Price] Logitech Squeezebox Radio Music Player With Color Screen (Black) (Old Version) - [Best Price] Logitech Squeezebox Radio Music Player With Color Screen (Black)...
(Help me Obi-wan Kenobi, you're my only hope) (R2-D2) Her name was Leia, she was a princess, with a danish on each ear, and Darth Vader drawing near so R2-D2 so R2-D2 found Ben Kenobi,...
You have a twelve-month old and he's real active, he's moving around, he's crawling, he's just full of energy and you want to continue working on sensory motor...