Once there was a city named Giniville, where it was famous for its prosperity and peacefulness. The city was experiencing high economic growth. But how does economic growth help the country? When...
Hello everyone again! This is Joel Martin from LookeeTV, Inc. If you remember correctly, a few weeks ago we released another video that covered some of the great TV content from our official Revision3...
Today you'll find us in the northern part of Indiana on the Buffalo Run Snowmobile Trail. We're poised here to accept all of the lake-effect snow that comes our way - and...



It is not nice! A lonely girl Text message: Fatties do not go to this school, why are you even here?! Text message: The weight loss clinic is down bourke st. Text message: I don't friend ugly...
Farm Animals Song This is the farm animals song, that we’re now going to sing right now, and when you know them all, we’ll sing it one more time. (cow) – moo (cat) – meow (dog) – woof (duck) – quack...
Polyphony recently updated Gran Turismo 5 with a feature which allows you to race your friends' B-Spec drivers through a browser. But if you want to get some serious experience and money, that...
Hey everyone, we're going on a field trip to Old MacDonalds farm. Let's go! Old MacDonald had a farm, E I E I O. And on that farm he had a cow, E I E I O. With a Moo Moo here and a Moo...
Today's KIN NO ITO NO HI... I've known about KIN NO ITO NO HI since I was a student, but I've never believed in it. Oh by the way, this is me. Why do I have such a dark look on...
That's the review of it's a compact wheel drive what's interesting it's rubberized it has the "point of view" button, aditional buttons to you use at...
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