Voiceover: So here we are on the fourth floor of the Museum of Modern Art and we're looking at a painting called Onement I by Barnett Newman. Voiceover: I love Barnett Newman. Voiceover: And...
(piano music playing) Steven: We're in the Leopold Museum in Vienna and we're looking at Egon Schiele's The Hermits. It's a large, almost perfectly square canvas. Beth:...
(jazzy music) Female: That sheep in the foreground looks so happy and so adorable. You can see the light right around his ears. You can almost see his nose twitching. William Holman Hunt painted him...
(piano music) Man" We're looking at a Jean-Francois Millet painting The Gleaners from 1857. Now this is a painting that hangs in the Musee d'Orsay. It's an oddly soft...
(jazz music) Dr. Zucker: We're in the Musee d'Orsay and we're looking at a painting by Millet, which is called L'Angelus. It's a really famous painting in the...
(piano music playing) Beth: We're looking at a painting by Mary Cassatt called The Loge and actually this subject of young women at the opera is something that she paints several times and...
(piano music playing) Steven: They're walking down the staircase. They're holding musical instruments. They're not really playing them. The horns are held vertically. A finger...
(bouncy piano music) >> We're in the national gallery in London and we are standing in front of a painting by Sir Joshua Reynolds from 1773. It's Lady Coburn and Her...



(jazzy music) Male: We're in the Prado in Madrid and we're looking at a Ribera. Female: It's The Martyrdom of Saint Philip. It's a very disturbing image. St. Philip is...
(lively music) Beth: Looking at this painting by Mary Cassatt, called The Child's Bath, at the Art Institute of Chicago, reminds me of how little we see this subject in art history of a mother...