Can You See Him In Your Regrets? Can You See Him? – Part 2 of 4 April 18, 2010 Luke 22:54-60...A servant girl saw him seated there in the firelight. She looked closely at him and said, A little later...
Come let us sing for joy to the Lord, Let's shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation Let's come before Him with thanks And praise Him with our music And sing to Him our song For the...



Roanoke's Calvary Baptist Church is considered one of the finest in the area. It's over 50-years- old and still in pristine condition. In 1953, Minister of Music, Helen Robertson...
Nan Collins nee Cumberbatch, sister of Grey Doyle Cumberbatch, arrives at St Helen's Church, Plungar and is escorted to her seat by Joan Kirk wife of Dennis Kirk the eye witness to the...
Dealing With Inadequacy The Real Houselives Of Orange County February 7, 2010 PART 3 Take Responsibility For My Actions Or In-Actions. Dear brothers and sisters, I am still not all I should be, but I...
[Birdsong] Today bring to Me the souls who especially venerate and glorify My mercy, and immerse them in My mercy. It is interesting that there are more days when we are bringing people who are not...
114 youth conference are summoned by Universal House of Justice which spans various clusters across the globe. Some of them have already completed, some conferences are yet to happen. 10 out of 114...
Oh my boy, pay atention (Na na na na na) Listen Listen Someone's talking (ah ah ah ah ah ah) Oh I am... Looking at you lo-loking at you I'm looking at you lo-loking at you I...



The Devils of Loudun I will find a way somehow to you. I shall come to you. You will enfold me in your sacred arms. The blood that will flow between us will make us one. My innocence is yours. My God,...
God is in control of the entire universe but He has given man a free will and we can decide whether we do what we please or whether we submit ourselves to the will of God and become part of His...