Oh were they ever hapy

CHAPTER XV Tom's Stealthy Visit Home A few minutes later Tom was in the shoal water of the bar, wading toward the Illinois shore. Before the depth reached his middle he was halfway over; the...
CHAPTER 61. I AM SHOWN TWO INTERESTING PENITENTS For a time--at all events until my book should be completed, which would be the work of several months--I took up my abode in my aunt's house...
Her uncle and both her aunts were in the drawing-room when Fanny went down. To the former she was an interesting object, and he saw with pleasure the general elegance of her appearance, and her being...
Fanny seemed nearer being right than Edmund had supposed. The business of finding a play that would suit everybody proved to be no trifle; and the carpenter had received his orders and taken his...
CHAPTER 60. AGNES My aunt and I, when we were left alone, talked far into the night. How the emigrants never wrote home, otherwise than cheerfully and hopefully; how Mr. Micawber had actually remitted...