Are you suffering from sleep apnea? Do you have trouble sleeping through the night? Do you experience the following sleep apnea symptoms: You are always tired You have fatigue Your breathing stops...
The Family Office Cooperative. Family Offices moving East, setting up Cooperatives to Co-Invest. - Sharing resources & analysis. - Leverage of each others strengths & power. - Families...
Perhaps the most important thing in selecting a frame for a child is letting the child be involved in the process and that includes listening to them. Too many times I see parents come in and dictate...
Hi. I'm Rebeca von Groote, director of pro bono programs here at the University of Arkansa School of Law. Right now pro bono matters more than ever. With one in six of our residents in...



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One of the hottest brands out for ladies right now is going to be the Prada brand. Everybody recognizes the Prada brand as well. Prada in terms of their, their frames has a lot of, lot of cool...
Okay, I’m going to talk to you about a few fashion designers that make glasses and kind of look at their glasses with you, kind of give you an idea of what they have to offer. The first one we’re...
I'm here to talk to you about the different styles in men's glasses. You'll notice that we're going to have a few different options to choose from. First, we have a...