jews all right and that's that's not my a camcorder video feed now this is my computer desk by the way it's pretty filthy right now I ate dinner here last night because I was...
we which affects support to the party about actually wanted to say and accepting that that the evidence duplicate he didn't do anything leave hap despair the election ekdam is he got can help...
maria and let's let us insisting etc yeah so and the graveyard up daily finds it quite although you guys actually best though twenty minutes of tried to play catch-up shadow it was invaded...
harder what parker card box or or a terrible uh... it fears the case i think that's it that's the on please use the long shot bodied anyway that person on harris extreme clearwater...
but hello and welcome to let's lay offs and my weston read it's much and consolidated and i said over here at the pics left and others at risk and i think that fuck at nick anything...
there was a very big part going to take you dando five deadly sold more yeah right it's like this one dedicated dat is the lowest later desert and well-liked well they could while nearly sui...
BRANDON: Hello! TONY: Okay, we're back... BRANDON: Indeed we are! Oh yeah BRANDON: and, he's- BRANDON: here again. By the way. TONY: Of course I am it's only been like 5...
Antes de que el tiempo comenzara, antes de que los espíritus y la vida existiese... Tres diosas doradas descendieron al caos que era Hyrule... Din, la diosa del poder... Nayru, la diosa de la...
E - A - B - C - E - A - B - C F - A - B - C - F - A - B - C D - G - A - B - D - G - A - B A - B - A - G# E - A - B - C - E - A - B - C F - A - B - C - F - A - B - C D - G - A - B - D - G - A - B C - D...
ok how to hang the ocarina for playing the high notes? .. Because sometimes you hear that the sound change if you play the notes from this one Your ocarina may squeak Your ocarina may squeak or...