"Gegen wen würdest du am liebsten kämpfen?" "Gegen meinen Boss vermutlich" [Fav] Kollegah wird aufgepimpt, kriegt Frauen und Blings Und ich werd zu nem was? zu nem Clown...
this and so the first brought to you by square space the misinform is claiming brocco batboy obama has only created two hundred forty million jobs now i don't even know if that's true...
the obama administration they relax their birth control our regulations for catholic institutions so they don't have to pay a for people their employees to get presidential right ad the way...
man replacements take the black box and wonderful to see if the white folks make all about the right dot is an old list that was three hundred and several probability national brotherly means he...
so there is a private call between route republicans in fact there was a republican national committee conference call and as a report on the other news was accidentally invited to it which lets us...
yeah actually is a guy who was arrested for failure to disperse in occupy ally it's funny because they actually wrote in his record failure to disclose except that if the problem uh......
so now that I've outlined to you some of the media coverage that's going on around the government shutdown let's actually Explorer in detail the broader yuri the broader...