I am socks. I am an item of footwear that will spend my entire existence covering a smelly, sweaty foot, what will think it’s funny making strange shapes upon the kitchen surface. Then, as if the...
students at u_c_-berkeley wanna show solidarity with occupy wall street and they also want a protest high tuition fees so what are they doing they're taking two ladder campus and...
What you are about to see will change your view of Ringling Bros. and Barnum and Bailey circus forever. For baby elephants and their mothers circus life is filled with heartache, beatings, and even...
I'm Jeffrey Nadrich, a dog bite lawyer at Nadrich & Cohen. We bring dog bite lawsuits against homeowner's insurance companies, apartment buildings, breeders, retail businesses...
The Tampa Bay Buccaneers struck gold when the front office decided to select running back Doug Martin with the No. 31 overall pick in the 2012 NFL draft because Martin is far and away the best rookie...
Are you looking for lodging for your extended stay in Tucson? Are you planning on being here long enough that you know a hotel room just isn't going to cut it? Regardless of whether...
Humahuacans by TravelPod member giz_and_hammers Drummer boy by TravelPod member giz_and_hammers Gaucho town by TravelPod member giz_and_hammers Here´s cheers for Humahuaca by TravelPod member...



00:00 Hi there, I’m Carrie Walrond! Welcome to Wheretraveler. 00:04 I’m your local guide for Where Atlanta. 00:06 Let’s take a trip to Grant Park- the oldest and one of the largest parks in Atlanta....
Across the street from the historic Lafayette square and next door to the historic Pardy home museum here at the corner of eleventh and Martin Luther King Jr. Way is a new town home development. One...