Hi, my name is Michael Seto. I’m a professional photographer and in this clip we're going to talk little bit about lens selection for jewelry photography. Jewelry photography is a very...
Hi. I'm Michael Seto and in this clip we're going to talk a little bit about some of the miscellaneous gear you need, other than your camera, lights, plexi-glass and so forth, to...
Hi. I'm Michael Seto. I'm a New York based professional photographer and today we're going to talk about the different kinds of lighting that you might use for shooting...
Hi. I'm Michael Seto, professional photographer, and in this clip we're going to talk about selecting and using a tripod for jewelry photography. First of all, when you're...
Hi. I'm Micheal Seto. In this clip we're going to talk about how to style and shoot a long necklace. There's a couple of choices when shooting a long necklace. You can try and...
Hi, I'm Michael Seto. In this clip we're going to talk about how to light a piece of plexi-glass from below, to achieve a white background for a piece of jewelry. So what we're...
sis she has a wonderful story about uh... copyright infringement that will not create age federal investigation that will not seek to send anybody to jail because of course uh... the copyright...
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