Gunshine State Productions presents The Dabumentary. Reporter - Francisco Alvarado. Video - Jacob Katel. Music by NoSleep305 and friends. Im Francisco Alvarado reporting live from Miami, Florida where...
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Hey this is Emily. I just got off of the Ride Compact. I give this a 4 out of 5 rating for that intermediate to intermediate advanced womens rider. The reason I give it a 4 out of 5 is that at higher...



Leo here, just got of the 2013 Burton Joystick. 154. This board is going to get a 4 out of 5 stars from me. If you're looking for a board that can pretty much do it all I think this is a very...
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Hey this is Alex I just off the Ride UL Highlife. I give this board 4 1/2 out of 5 stars. Great board, incredibly light for someone that's doing like that backcountry stuff, or deep pow. This...
Hey this is Ian, I just got done riding the Libtech Skunk Ape in a 165. I give this board actually 4 out of 5 stars. I Has the C2 Powder so it is cambered underneath your feet. Rockered up in the tip...



Hey Leo here just got off the 2012 Libtech Skate Banana in a 155 I'm going to give this board 3.5 out of 5 it's a little heavy what I like about it though is it has their BTX as you...



Hi I'm Rob, I just got off the Forum Destroyer Doubledog. I gave this 4/5 stars. It's a really fun board, there is a ton of pop, it's really snappy. The Doubledog is a...

