Now - there's an idea

Capricorn rules the knees in astrology. Let me explain that. The signs are all connected in some way to a part of the body, and for Capricorn, it is the knees. Now this has a symbolic meaning because...
Well our committee is Trade, Commerce and Entrepreneurship so we're really trying our best to support start-ups, support micro and small enterprises. If you want to follow us on our Facebook...
Hey guys. It's David Glenn of and Continuing on with automation. We covered the kick and how to add some low-end weight to that at the hook and...
Hi I'm steve from and I'm here today to show you what happens when you overload your circuits All resistors have two values The first one is the resistance...
Now it's time for our daily arts and culture segment. And for that we have Yim Yoonhee here in the studio with us. Good afternoon, Yoonhee. Good afternoon, Conn-young. I hear you have a bit of...
media training the public relations play the day goes to Arizona restaurant its call rock girls a little Chicago pizzeria here's the backdrop for Contax the Arizona Legislature has passed a...