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i povas memori ke playboy artikolo eliras kaj uh ... popolo venas al mi kaj devus havi vin vidis playboy li diras ke li estas farinta obeis ĝi ke vi provis preni fotojn li estas faciligataj ĝis tiu...



The nights the sky was filled with clouds My worried mind was filled with fear I couldn't count all the lonely hours Spent with memories and tears I never thought I would see the day When I...



My husband travels frequently for his work abroad then he sits alone in a hotel somewhere in between highways and he misses me of course! So, I wanted to surprise him.. on his last trip. I hid two...



Hi. This is KoalaB here we're going to be doing a house tutorial today on how to build this Sandy Cabin. We'll just take a look around before we get started so we've got nice...



I'm Daniel Henry, a freelance textile designer. I specialize in textile printing and finishing, with great attention to detailing and textures, rather than patterns. I’m very eclectic in my...
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