I’ve set up GIMP and I have all my layers set up. I’m going to show you how to use the GIMP Animation Tool to animate the layers. It is very simple. Basically, from the menu, use...
This is a quick way to crop an image using GIMP. First of all my image is fairly small so I can either go down to the status bar and set the view to 200% just change that dropdown. Or I can use the...
Layers are one of the basic features of GIMP and most photo editors. What we are going to do is take the existing images we have and put them on a layer. Use File/New and create a new window and made...
A lot of people in my last video were asking me how the optical illusion worked. How we were able to make something look like it was moving around, without any special effects. Just papers like this...
You've heard of a vibrator, right? Bzzzzz, orgasm... These days, vibrators are seen as something you might find in someone's secret sex drawer… But when vibrators were first invented,...
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