>> Dr. Lamperti: This is Seattle facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Thomas Lamperti. Today I'm going to show you how to make an Asian rhinoplasty dorsal augmentation graft using...
>> Dr. Lamperti: This is Seattle facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Thomas Lamperti. Today I'm going to go through part 2 of my bulbous nasal tip repair series in which I show you how...
Hi, I'm Dr. Michael Walker from Hill Country Plastic Surgery Center, and I'm here today on behalf of Expert Village to talk to you about rhinoplasties or nose jobs. What's the...
[music] >>NARRATOR: My name is Dierdra and I'm thirty years old. I live in Denver, Colorado. I'm about to have a rhinoplasty slash septoplasty all because I dislike my...
>> Dr. Lamperti: Hello my name is Dr. Thomas Lamperti and I’m double board-cerified Facial Plastic Surgeon in the Seattle area. Often patients wonder when coming to me regarding...
>> Dr. Lamperti: Hello my name is Dr. Thomas Lamperti and I’m a double board-certified Facial Plastic Surgeon in the Seattle area. I’m here today to talk a little bit about the dressing...
<i>I Hear Your Voice</i> <i> Where are you right now?</i> <i>I never forgot you.</i> <i>If I meet you...
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>> Dr. Lamperti: This is Seattle Facial Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Thomas Lamperti. Today I'm going to show you how to perform a closed septoplasty surgery. With the goal of giving you...