Sometimes when I am on location or you know even outside the house, I will take a look around at some good opportunities for great pictures. This is one of my favorites; it happens to be right behind...
How to take great photos of kids Getting the best shots of your kids takes as much negotiating skill as photography skill sometimes. Here’s good advice on how to do it from professional photographer...
Today I am going to talk to you a little bit about photography in natural light. Now, photography basically is capturing light reflecting off of objects and people and things. So, when you are taking...
Now, a lot of times, I'll be looking at photographs that my friends are sending through the internet or sharing with me, and immediately a few things stand out as problems with the image or...
DADDY TROY: Welcome back to Gear Daddy. I’m your host Daddy Troy. Eric Doggett’s back and he’s going to give us three hints on how to shoot your baby’s photos like a pro. ERIC: This episode is...
Hi, I'm Jim Miotke. In today's show, we're going to be learning about the nuances of light, and photographing children. How would you like to take pictures of your kids that...
eyes that's no fastening dartmouth we had a lot of what upon crazy stories reinstated impact will appear goes another one so uh... consumer croat up is in maryland and she's always...