AIA North Carolina is proud to present the William H. Deitrick Service Medal to James E. Rains, Jr., AIA. The Deitrick Service Medal is presented to an AIA North Carolina member who exhibits...
My enthusiasm for anatomy started already in early childhood. I received a nearly deadly injury at my temple. I was rushed to hospital, and I heard the doctor say this boy will probably die. When I...
Twelve years I got for - hm - they gave me it for a wilful murder. I was doing burglaries, or... ...sometime safes. I'm a safe cracker In total I've got the profession for 20 years. In...
andy xo duty so pretty bop bop bop in his that initial name was jeffrey drew will see here's where we're on waiting for the word due to the newsday developers whatever level in the...
我寫有關食物、寫有關烹飪的文章 I write about food. I write about cooking. 我很認真對待這份工作 I take it quite seriously, 但我在這裡要向大家講及有關 but I'm here to talk about something 一些在最近一兩年前開始對我很重要的事情 that's become...
我要告訴你們四個具體的例子,我將會留到最後說明。 I'm going to give you four specific examples -- and I'm going to cover at the end -- 一家名為Silk的公司,如何用一件事創造了三倍的銷售業績。 about how a company called Silk tripled...
對我而言,學校午餐是關乎社會正義的議題。 My thing with school lunch is, it's a social justice issue. 我是柏克萊聯合校區的營養膳食主管。 I'm the Director of Nutrition Services 我手下有90名員工, for the Berkeley Unified School...
dot since then is a woman that we did a story about a couple months ago and she is a six hundred pound woman who would actually profits significantly from allowing other people for watcher eat online...
Hooyadeey waxeey kuriyootay aniga oo noqday Qof Fiican. Waxeey Uur ku qaaday canugeedii 7baad anigoo jira 11sano Calooshaa laga qabtay, waxeeyna dareentay xanuun iyo tabarl'aan Laakii waxeey...