I always thought mud wrestling was a women's sport. Ha ha! Have you been to the pasture today? - No. It's clearly too muddy out there. - Muddy is putting it mildly. The pasture has...



Cool guy, don't you think? Okay, how's your wedding dress casting coming along? Well, pretty good, actually. Two designs are really pretty. Pretty? Well, none of the dresses is the...



Have you stolen my deodorant ag...? Everything okay? Dumb question! Sorry! Did you have more stress with Dana and Hagen? Do you have a tissue? Thank you. Did you have a fight? No. In fact, the...



Bella? How about it? Do you want to play a game of billiard? Yeah sure. Gladly! Ah, if he would just finally tell her that he likes her. But she probably noticed that herself, right? Well, I think...
You are slapping me? How self-righteous can you get? Bella is a wonderful person. I will not allow you to hurt her like this. Charlie, I can handle this myself. I can understand your anger. Your...
That’s him! Jessica Stiehl. Hello. No, you don’t disturb at all. Do we still meet later on? Oh, you’ve received a sudden visitor. Former college buddy. What are you going to do then? Tell me, is that...
Jessica? Do you have... What a sight you are! I almost had a heart attack. What do you want? I was looking for the cucumber. In the middle of the night? Yes. Andi and me, we want a super sandwich....
Charlie, what's wrong with you? She's unconscious. Charlie! Come on Olli, don't stand there like that! Do something! Pulse... Does she still have a pulse? Isn't it...
Touched a thousand times Well? Do you need a hand? Not anymore. Oh, was that…? … one of the fortune cookies which Christian gave Olli when he left. Bull’s-eye! ‘When I close my eyes, I see your smile...
Yeah, I mean we could play a round of poker? And I think the two of us should go get a drink. We have enough to drink here. On the other hand, we haven't gone drinking drinking in a long time....

