{Le chien est le meilleur ami de l'homme} Maniac creature with gigantic teething Pay attention to that killing machine Staring (at) me with eyes of hate And growling like a truck engine Appeared from...



[backing vox : Feutse] ["On entraine les jeunes soldats r tirer sur des hommes, mais leurs officiers ne les autorisent pas r ecrire MERDE sur leurs avions parce qe c'est obsccne."]...
I've tried so hard to understand I think I'm going to loose my mind some day Cause it makes no sense cause it makes no sense No one knows nobody cares Everybody is trying to be someone else Cause it...



I got this feeling that I need to express Laying it out so you don't have to guess I'm making myself vulnerable But you keep holding, so scared to let it go If you're looking for love I think I could...