One of the most effective methods of repelling mosquitoes is deet. A lot of people are afraid of deet, because it does melt plastic. You would not want to use deet with, if you're going to be...
Hello and welcome to the new video assembly manual for the new Professional CaSela Snare Cajon from Sela. Thank you for choosing this great instrument. My name is Markus Westenberger and we will...



ATTRACTS 900 THOUSAND PEOPLE A COMING BACK FOR MORE? IT'S RIGHT I want to welcome you to the museum. Pensacola. It's the National Let's go inside. --nat sound break or music---...
( phone ringing ) ( P.A. beeps ) ( man speaking over P.A. ) - ( knocks on door ) - ( door opens ) I HOPE THAT'S GOOD NEWS. IT IS. YOU'RE STILL NEGATIVE, LaDONNA. ( sighs ) ( Velcro...