Hi. I'm Grace, a 12-year-old part-Siamese cat. All my life I've lived in Berkeley, California, with a couple named Ann and Bill. Their son Ned grew up and went away. I am a quiet...
In tenderness he sought me, weary and sick with sin And on His shoulders brought me, back to His fold again While angels in His presence sang, until the courts of heaven rang. Oh, the love that sought...
2013 ending tonight Once the ball drops at midnight it'll 2014 But when 2015 rolls around you won't recognize None of ya Open up the coliseum doors USE No matter the battle we win all...



This album will be the first album release for the new members, Jenny and Gunji. Please support our music and spread the love! This album is much softer and emotional than our last album, where it was...
Hello it is Gavy NJ We made a comeback in a year with our newest single “Don’t Call Me.” We also have a new member. Hello, I’m the new member of the group and my name is Gun. Hello, I am Jenny. The...
22-Passenger Party Bus We want you to enjoy our 22-Passenger Party Buses to the fullest. The outside of this party bus is no different than the beautiful inside. The chrome detailing is carefully...
This is the Chris Brake Podcast.Hey everybody, it's another great day here on the Chris Brake Radio Podcast Brake Show. First day on the Podcast Brake Brake Show. First live air of the Chris...
Gonna walk up to the stereo take the needle off the vinyl Turn this little living room into a desert island Get rid of all the static till there's nothing but me and you Leave behind the city...
Do you know that at this very moment there are people lacking the basic necessities in life such as health proper nutrition and education... Some people in Guatemala are suffering and dying each day...
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