Isla Grande by TravelPod member sofie.mdc Isla Grande by TravelPod member sofie.mdc Isla Grande by TravelPod member sofie.mdc Isla Grande by TravelPod member sofie.mdc Gatun Locks Mule Rail by...
Hey, where's everyone going? What's happening? They're taking him to the Sept of Baelor. Who? The Hand of the King. - Traitor! - Coward! Baelor. Baelor! Traitor! Traitor! I am...
(piano playing) Voiceover 1: Here we are at the Dulwich Picture Gallery in London and we're looking at a Rembrandt, A Girl at a Window. She's from about 1645 and this is just one of...
I'm sorry to see you leave, Lannister. It's either me or this cold. And it doesn't appear to be going anywhere. Will you stop at Winterfell on your way south? I expect I will....
Highlights of the news today Friday 9th August 2013 Tribunal told surgeon lied about removing brain tumour Court: Paedophile who groomed 14-year-old Peterborough girl jailed Appeal after �Middle...
So, have you ever had this great YouTube clip to share with your class, only to end up feeling like this once the YouTube link is opened in front of your students? As classroom teachers, many of us...
Hear my words and bear witness to my vow. Night gathers and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and...
You're a proper lover, Jon Snow. And don't worry. Your secret's safe with me. What secret? Do you think I'm as dumb as all those girls in silk dresses you knew growing...
No wonder you're all so miserable. -Would you please shut up? -Would you please shut up? You think you're better than me, crow. -l'm a free woman. -You're a free woman?...
A sword for the wall? - I already have one. <br>- Good man. - Have you swung it yet? <br>- Of course I have. At someone, I mean. It's a strange thing, the first...