Hello and welcome back to Friday Minis! Today, we're gonna take a look at a graphics tablet! Now, just to clarify, when I talk about the tablet, I'm not talking about the one you...
Here is a quick guide to Ice Cream Sandwich just a quick tour of some of the new features. You can see here this is the slightly reworked home screen so now you have these rather iPhone-esque app...
let's say this is you, you're giving this presentation you've got a book or paper, a table and a projector In order to give this presentation you either need a tablet an...
Black then white are all I see in my infancy Red and yellow then came to be reaching out to me Let's me see As below, so above and beyond, I imagine drawn beyond the lines of reason Push the...
Hello, my name is Lisa and I'm a student assistant for Hofstra's Student Computing Services. I'm here today to inform you about a convenient application available through your...



In this video we will explore a few options to modify and create batters in the Advanced Road Design process. As usual lets start by going to the Roads tab in AutoCad and this time we will click on...
Greetings, everybody! This is Nightmare060 here, and this is going to be my introduction to the TheriKiNexus channel. I have no idea whether I'm actually going to be getting on this channel....
Hello guys, this is praveen from techempty. Here is the tutorial on how to install krrish 3 android game on pc without using bluestacks android emulator. I had tried the same using the BlueStacks...
Evernote Smart Notebook by Moleskine Prepare the paper notebook for Evernote Use dark ink Use Smart Stickers to tag and organize Lay notebook flat on a dark surface Pull bookmark flat between pages...
Here we have a hairstyle that is obviously a little bit sparce but then again it is okay. Even if it does not look to totally natural, like you are probably not going to see many people walking down...