Our task was to make a brief overview of traditional textile art in Crete. Our road took us to Anogeia, where some lovely old women still use their "argaleios" (=loom), like...
Hi! I'm Karen for Expert Village. Let's start our mending with learning how to thread and knot a needle for hand sewing. I have 2 threads here; I'll show you. The first thing...
Hi, I'm Vickie Pavone on behalf of Expert Village. In this series we'll be talking about the basics of cross stitching. In this clip I'm going to demonstrate how to thread the...
Welcome back. In the last video we added a second thread to a project after we had begun tatting. This time we're going to start our project with two different threads. So I've wound...



Welcome back. In the last video we combined both rings and chains by using a shuttle thread and a ball thread at the beginning of a project. However there will be many times when you'll want...
Prêt ? Action ! Le Joker rit toujours le dernier Cool, on prends celle-là Salut tout le monde, bienvenue au dernier tournage de Batman Arkham Origins SAMUEL GIRARDIN - PDG de Game On Audio Tous les...
Le site allemand PCGames a posté 3 nouveaux screenshots de Batman: Arkham Origins montrant la Batcave - la première base du jeu ou Bruce Wayne peut changer de tenues entre les missions, améliorer son...
Le n°138 du magazine gamesTM a révélé que Batman Arkham Origins inclura la Batcave comme base pour le jeu. Dans une scène montrée à la presse,Batman entre par le toit de la cave dans la Batwing....
Hi, and welcome to the ValveTime news. Each week, we’ll bring you the biggest talking points regarding Valve and the community. Now, the news: The news spotlight was mainly pointed at CS:GO this past...