Hootsuite also allows you to do this sort of automated publishing thing, based on an RSS feed. So if you have a blog, and you want it to feed into these social networking accounts and post for you,...



To make a new blog post, From the dashboard: Move your mouse over the "plus new" button on the top toolbar A small drop-down menu will appear. Select "Post." Once...
How to Use Social Media to Jump Up the Search Engine Rankings With the new Google update, many are searching for a new strategy that will work to gain ranking quickly and maintain it. One of the keys...
Hello, I’m MaAnna with BlogAid and in this quick video I’ll show you a new feature that came turned on by default in a recent update to the WordPress SEO plugin by Yoast. It’s a little thing but it...
"Is Vitamin D the New Vitamin E?" It’s understandable that the Institute of Medicine chose to act conservatively when bumping up their vitamin D recommendation. An editorial in the...
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Scudder: Hi, I'm Jeff Scudder, and I'll be talking with you today about getting started with the Python Library for Google Data APIs. The first thing we're gonna need to do is...



Hello Happy site owners! I'm MaAnna with BlogAid and in this video I'll give you a quick tour of the links you'll use most on the new WordPress 3.6 Dashboard. So let's...



Hello everybody, I am the HappyCabbie. There is going to be two videos I put out today Make sure you click on either the annotations or the links down below in the video description as well as a very...



HOW TO "PIN" A BLOG POST ON PINTEREST Want to drive more traffic to your blog? I'll show you how easy it is if you don't have a picture in your post. All you will...

