Hello everyone today is the 14th of february 2013 and today's topic is love and we'll be focussing on true love meaning GOD's definition and not the worlds definition...
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Hello my dear friends. Arina Smelova from Only You International with you again. Today, I'd like to talk to you about success. What does success mean to you. I am a very happy woman. I love...
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Can you tell me why you should stop doing kegels? A lot of women do them in the hope of avoiding leaks after having a baby, or they are advised to do it to prevent leaks after a hysterectomy. I heard...
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our topic today if leadership and your emotional instability I'm attempt to go then and arms here to support you in nineteen an impound feel like I'm in business an emotional stability...
Many believers are putting their trust into flesh and blood. They're looking to men and women. Especially ones with titles like Dr. or Prophetess or Prophet or Evangelist or Pastor....