Today, we are going to discuss about signal transduction pathways. Now, why do we have to talk about signal transduction pathways? Now, so far, we have discussed how messenger RNA synthesis is...
Intro Still talking to the significant others of recovering people loved ones friends brothers, sisters and others. Sometimes a probation officer, a DHS case worker police officer might be in on this...
CUTHBERT: This study examined five different psychiatric disorders that we’ve always thought of as distinct disorders. Autism spectrum disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder,...
The human brain is a remarkable organ. Complex chemical and electrical processes take place within our brains that let us speak, move, see, remember, feel emotions, and make decisions. Inside a normal...
So, today we start a new chapter titled, “Receptor- Mediated Endocytosis”. So, what we have been doing in the last lecture or last few lectures was receptor ligand binding. So, we are essentially...
>> Our laboratory is interested in addiction. And so a big part of our research tries to understand how drugs, if abused, change the brain and the connectivity between different regions...
>> Professor Cordeiro: Well good afternoon everybody, and thank you very much for coming along to this lecture. And what I would hope that we achieve in the next 30 minutes or so is I...
I'm going to tell you about 4 delightful decades I've had examining the structure of the synapse. Actually, I'm standing in front of a giant picture of a synapse that I took...
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