Hey youtube today I'm going to make a serious video hmm...too serious I know much better I wanted to talk about the reason why I'm in the awesome youtube collab thingy...
I love how all-- like your Richard Madden voice is the same as chairs-- No, here's my Richard Madden voice. Also, it's all Ringo Starr. My Richard Madden voice is, dude, thank you...
it's the holiday season with that comes holiday parties and holiday hangovers but maybe not we're gonna discuss appeal fact or fiction Mets for hangover cures not you get a hangover...
-Hey, everyone. How's it going? So if you're anything like me, you have a hard time saying no. You win this year, Girl Scouts. So I'm going to give you 20 different ways to say...
So... I get that starting these recordings with probably one of my weakest moments in life Might not be one of the best ways to start a video-log, and... for that I apologize. But I think that it...
Lizzie: Hi everyone. It feels like the 2.5 WPF Club is putting on a full court blitz! Full court blitz…that's what that's called, right? Anyway, to marry, settle down, and start our...