Ah Jesus Christ, have mercy, I'll depart one day, but when and how it is in your knowledge. It is hidden from me but known to you, you counted the number of my days. In you, Jesus, my spirit...
YEAH F.CUZ THIS IS MY CONFESSION NO MORE FRIEND BECAUSE WANNA BE YOUR MAN LET’S GO When I don’t see you, I miss you and my heart is uneasy I don’t know why when I think about you I laugh out of...
passing all this comes as controversy we've seen calling on our in one day be pulled the ads that was certainly controversial recovered paul williams budding artists lani laura that was...



Let's go. Come with me, child of Adam and servant of Lilith. Eva Unit 02 has activated! What?! Eva-02 is moving unmanned. There's no entry plug inserted! No one's in there?...



And now AsapSCIENCE presents: The Elements of the Periodic Table. There is Hydrogen, and Helium Then Lithium, Beryllium, Boron, Carbon everywhere, Nitrogen all through the air, With Oxygen so you can...
#so clever #sadtimes #iodine #krypton #popular song lyrics #2 hours and 26 minutes! #nevertoooldtolearn #it's a fun song #but they're so pretty #fav song #tentables #NEON ja #new music video #rev makes things #study tables #10 day photo challenge #beryllium #mandp #jingledress #Carina #beta carinae #studygeek #studygeek.org #Top 20 websites #points plus #radcliffe #hq pictures #pop sci #drugskilldreams #Available Light #2013 Oh the places #à table #onenightatthepalladium #light up #sohighrightnow #New way of life #30 Day Music Challenge #supher #NEW VIDEO #40hourworkweek #i learn new things every day #music poster #A & P stuff #Order #Salty #Geeky Nerdy = Me #Yummy Yummy Get In My Tummy #40 Plus #little house a new beginning #madebyorder #artunder50 #Daniel's Fast #Yummy for the tummy #CAN YOU REPEAT THAT #H&M #Websites to remember #Yummy Yummy in my Tummy #History Peer into the Past #A Copper's Tale #Cool - Fun - Weird Science #200 hours #periods #the 48 periods #save your breath band #sciencefacts #end tables #Under 200 calories #Good To Know Info #do you know what i mean #Stuff that cracks me up #slow time fast time #new theme #radon gas #radon #Animated Film of the Week #We will remember them #song #Atom #whole life challenge #not not fun #soda can art #Grade I Listed #tungsten #halogen #new music videos #EXTRA P #this picture means everything to me #History Nerd #There are places I remember #fun learning #ONE MORE DAY TIL CAMP #the elements #new song #and there all #song on repeat #random house kids #lithium #presents under 20 #science nerds #new. #periodic

