greases unemployment rate has been harboring around twenty six percent to put that in perspective during the peak of the great depression here in the united states the unemployment rate peaked at...
Reports from Syria claiming that chemical weapons have killed as many as thousands of civilians in Damascus have shocked the world. At this time we don't know exactly what's happened...
a ten-year-old child by the name outside joseph hall who is being tried for murdering his father now his father is uh... neo nazi and two years ago jeffhall was laying on his couch when his...
The colours of the Finnish flag consist of white skin and blue eyes We don't study politics We want to get acquainted with racism and eugenics And we don't want to have the same...



And now LNN - the Latest National News. As you know, I have a somewhat... ...fractured relationship with elections. And that's why I called my book Mein Kampf [My Battle] and not My Electional...
1 "Thou shalt not kill." The sixth commandment orders us to respect our life and the life of other people as one of the greatest and most marvelous gifts of God. Only the Author and...
Alexander Savenkov, Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council on Constitutional law, legal and judicial matters, development of civil society It so happened that the Second World War ended, in my...
catholic league president bill donohue compared pro-choice groups teneo nazis and suggested the secretary of health and human services kathleen sebelius and her visit to georgetown university is...
you have to understand something this i mean this tells you a lot right here this next story because on the day where yes like i said thousand times everybody on fox news is never quit because they...