Nellie mckay

You know, I wanted to get married, and so I - but I, you know, I realize no matter what you want, it's kind of a fantasy.
Love is such a fleeting emotion. It's such a small part of the things you do in your life.
I'm glad if people can listen to some music and maybe fix some prejudices of their own, just by thinking.
Public radio is the last oasis of free and independent music. For satellite radio channels, you have to subscribe; commercial stations are as corporate as basic cable.
I'd love to give my music to someone who really likes to wow the crowd. I feel like half the time I just want to hide in the dressing room!
I have trouble with any kind of focus or concentrating, or getting anything done at all, really.
In the hierarchy of instruments, if you're a harpist, you're considered someone with a brain much more than if you're a singer.
I kind of go for the MGM version of every musical style.
I'm pretty indiscriminating, and I have awful taste, generally.
I thought I had a talent for alienating people, but I have no idea what it is that doesn't go over.