I'm Jean Abraham. I'm an assistant professor at the University of Minnesota and I'm a health economist. Last year I had the fortune of going to Washington, D.C. where I worked...
When I received my screening appointment it didn't come as any great surprise because I was expecting it - I was recently fifty and understood that women of fifty would be asked to attend a...



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During your surgery, a suprapubic catheter was inserted through your lower abdomen into your bladder. The catheter helps your bladder rest and heal. It is generally left in place for 2 to 4 weeks...
Your doctor has recommended that you undergo a Cystoscopy. But what does that actually mean? The lower urinary tract allows your body to store and release urine. It's made up of two parts, the...
Are some of the issues that you are Experiencing during your pregnancy the Result of a normal pregnancy or are they The result of a medical condition called Preeclampsia hello I'm Maryland...
In this video we will discuss benefits of the CAEDM VPN and how to use it. First, we will briefly cover the organization of the college network. Then the VPN's role in accessing the...



This is my husband, Jim. We got married October of 2009, and he's my best friend in the whole world. He's my rock. This is our first baby, and we've had some hiccups with the...



Dan Smith: On initial evaluation of a patient with knee pain, we first inspect the patient standing with their feet about shoulder widths apart first looking at both knees looking for any obvious...
Some men are afraid to be screened for prostate cancer; others are just too embarrassed. The consequences, of course, can be deadly. With us now is Dr. John Lynch, Chairman of Urology at Georgetown...