Oh Hi, I'm Douglas Willott on behalf of Expert Village, and today we're going to talk about coordinating your shirt with your tie. Maybe you're at a point where there...
Oh Hi, I'm Douglas Willott, on behalf of Expert Village. Today we're going to talk about coordinating your shirt with your tie. If you have a shirt with a non-traditional look to it or...
This type of collar is called a widespread or Windsor collar. Basically the literal translation of widespread collar is a collar that goes out wide across the body. It's going to be bigger and...
Do you want to spice up your relationship? I'm Alba Gomez and I'm an image and first impression specialist and today I'm going to be sharing with you some tips on how you can...
Methamphetamine is a stimulant, a highly addictive drug of the amphetamine class of psychoactive drugs It activates certain systems in the brain, and, according to the White House, "has a...
When I immediately take a tie for spotting, I try to check the fabric on it, because that makes a difference in spotting. If it is a polyester it gets spotted one way, if it is silk, we do it a...
There are forms you can put in on them, but I choose to do it this way. If this is a pre-made tie as this is, I want to press it single-layer. And I would press down on it, do the steam, and then get...
Hi this is Melody on behalf of Expert Village we are ironing our clothes we are ironing them with steam in this segment I'm going to show you what we could do with this tie. Alright we...
Many people wonder how the MGB got started. So here is the story of the Mini-Gastric Bypass. As background the MGB uses a loop connection, what is called the Billroth II connection between the stomach...