I've enjoyed my time being here. Really, really, really enjoyed my time. I've been here now from 9:15 AM to 8:15 PM, three days a week. And people are saying "What are you...



I love it the way you have it all in a book. When I first came here I came a little bit late, and John Cross was doing the seminar and I was sitting there trying to write down as fast as I could...



You wake up, and look out the window. Everything is wet. You say: "It rained last night". But wait. How did you reach that conclusion? Hume says, look inside your mind. You figured...
Well thanks Francis, thank you Amy. My topic is one that I got interested in because it was boring and dull, and that was some time ago vaccines. Vaccines, as you know have been very effective but,...
Atheists would say that evolution is the cornerstone of the naturalistic worldview, wouldn't they? Some might, others wouldn't. Richard Dawkins says that the theory of evolution makes...



I say, Pillock old chap, I'm afraid you're rather letting the side down. You're losing too many debates to our young friend Angie. Well, she's a very tough opponent....



I have been discussing about the relationship between mind and language with reference to the notion of linguistic representation. Today, I am interested to talk about the naturalist notion of...



Hello everybody. Today I am going to discuss on human creativity and machine creativity whether machine creativity is possible, whether a human creativity is equivalence with machine creativity. These...



CRAIG: Good evening. I am very excited to be participating in this debate tonight. Jan and I used to sit in those very bleachers right over there watching our son John run up and down this court as a...
Today, we are going to discuss Searleā€™s notion of language and meaning. Language according to Searle is a biological phenomenon. It has evolved in this sense that, as you all know Searle presupposes...

